KPT General

February 10, 2023

Cold Weather Makes Warm Ups Even More Important!

Warm ups are always important. They gradually raise your heart rate, and get you breathing a little faster. This sends more oxygen, energy, and nutrients to […]
February 7, 2023

We ‘stretching’ our additional service offerings!

Stretching A stretch session can be a session on its own or add on to massage. Stretch session is done one on one, passively, in a […]
July 14, 2021
Kramer Physical Therapy Yoga

Now offering Yoga!

We’re excited to announce our new Yoga classes at Kramer Physical Therapy. Tuesdays, 6:30 pm, 60 minutes: Gentle Movement and Stretching – relearn relaxation. Rest and […]
July 13, 2020

Kramer PT COVID-19 Update

Please know that your health and concern remain our top priority at Kramer Physical Therapy. Updated COVID-19 policy – Kramer Physical Therapy – 07/11/2022   Prefer […]
May 4, 2020

We’re Open!

As we reopen, please keep our new guidelines in mind: We’ll be staggering our appointment times to limit contact with other patients. We’ll be wearing masks […]
April 14, 2020

Telehealth May be an Option During COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic seems to have stopped much of the world. Once busy streets and shops are empty, activities are cancelled and you may not even […]
September 4, 2018

One Annual Health Checkup That’s Probably Missing from Your Calendar: Physical Therapy

Some health habits are instilled in us at a young age. For as long as you can remember, for example, you made annual treks in the […]
July 23, 2018

‘Back’ to School

It’s almost time to start back to school shopping. At the top of the list is usually a new backpack. It is such a fine balance […]
August 14, 2017

“ECLIPSE NECK” and how to avoid it

Eclipse frenzy has hit our area hard since we are on the 2017 path and close to the totality zone. Eye safety has been discussed at […]
May 5, 2016

I made it through Breast Cancer Treatment so why is my shoulder sore?

One morning you wake up and feel stiffness and pain in your shoulder as you reach in the cupboard or try to wash your hair. You […]
March 28, 2016

Weekend Warrior Woes

The cold weather that has kept you hibernating indoors and binge watching House of Cards is thawing now that spring is here. Warm weather is upon […]
February 22, 2016

Why I’ll be serving my Mom’s strudel at my new company’s Open House.

My mom’s strudel is absolutely scrumptious made with a perfect crust and filled with chocolate chips and nuts; pretty non-traditional for those used to the apple […]